Lets meet with Fauzan Ullah
Fauzan Ullah, an 11-year-old boy diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), has faced communication challenges from a young age. His symptoms first appeared when he was only two years old, prompting doctors to recommend occupational and physical therapy. Despite these early interventions, Fauzan remains non-responsive and struggles to communicate, creating significant challenges for him and his family.
Fauzan’s mother, devoted to helping her son reach his potential, seeks urgent medical support to improve his condition. With access to the right therapies and care, Fauzan could take vital steps toward a more connected and communicative life. Your support can help Fauzan and his family in their journey, offering hope and essential resources for a brighter future.
Your $29 monthly gift will give Him access to
life-changing education programs, crucial
health and dental services, life skills, and
more. At UHCD Foundation, we believe
empowering disabled children can break the
cycle of poverty for their families, their
community and the next generation.
Can Sponsor Fauzan Ullah for his ,
Treatments, Rehabilitation, Education and to
provide him necessary lifesaving drugs.