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Child Profile

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Sponsor a Child with UHCD Foundation



Gender: Male
Age: 8 years 1 months 11 days
Disability Type: CP - Cerebral Palsy;

Avg Monthly Family Income: 7500 BDT
Family Members: 1
Siblings: 2

Country: Bangladesh
School: yes


Monthly Cost: 29 USD
No of Month for Sponsorship:
Total Payable Amount:

Lets meet with Md.Yasin

At 6 years old, Yasin is living with the challenges of cerebral palsy, which affects his mobility and ability to speak. Since birth, he has faced numerous obstacles, including feeding difficulties, yet he remains engaged and eager to learn. His family, doing all they can, sought medical attention at Dhaka Medical College, but Yasin still requires ongoing, specialized care to improve his quality of life. Yasin currently attends Bakerganj School for the Disabled, where he enjoys receiving tailored support and connecting with other children. His father, a small food vendor, works long hours to provide for Yasin and his younger sibling, but their limited income makes it difficult to afford the treatments that Yasin urgently needs. With your support, Yasin could receive the therapies and medical care that would help him become more independent and enjoy a brighter, more hopeful future. Every contribution can make a meaningful difference in Yasin’s journey toward a fulfilling life.

Your $29 monthly gift will give Him access to life-changing education programs, crucial health and dental services, life skills, and more. At UHCD Foundation, we believe empowering disabled children can break the cycle of poverty for their families, their community and the next generation.

Can Sponsor Md.Yasin for his , Treatments, Rehabilitation, Education and to provide him necessary lifesaving drugs.