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Child Profile

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Sponsor a Child with UHCD Foundation


Sumi Akter

Gender: Female
Age: 12 years 3 months 1 days
Disability Type: Physical Disability; Developmental Delay;

Avg Monthly Family Income: 4500 BDT
Family Members: 0
Siblings: 2

Country: Bangladesh
School: no


Monthly Cost: 29 USD
No of Month for Sponsorship:
Total Payable Amount:

Lets meet with Sumi Akter

Sumi is a 12-year-old girl with visual impairment. She has been unable to see with one eye since birth, but her condition has never been evaluated by a doctor due to her family's financial struggles. Sumi attends a school for children with disabilities and is the eldest of two siblings. Her father, a farmer, works hard to support the family, but his limited income makes it difficult to afford medical care and cover Sumi’s educational expenses. Despite her challenges, Sumi is determined to study and dreams of a brighter future. Her parents hope to provide her with the treatment and support she needs to improve her quality of life. They are seeking your help to ensure Sumi receives proper medical care and continues her education, giving her a chance to achieve her full potential.

Your $29 monthly gift will give Her access to life-changing education programs, crucial health and dental services, life skills, and more. At UHCD Foundation, we believe empowering disabled children can break the cycle of poverty for their families, their community and the next generation.

Can Sponsor Sumi Akter for her , Treatments, Rehabilitation, Education and to provide her necessary lifesaving drugs.