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Child Profile

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Sponsor a Child with UHCD Foundation


Rima Akter

Gender: Female
Age: 13 years 6 months 0 days
Disability Type: Physical Disability; ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorders; Speech Delay;

Avg Monthly Family Income: 5000 BDT
Family Members: 0
Siblings: 2

Country: Bangladesh
School: yes


Monthly Cost: 29 USD
No of Month for Sponsorship:
Total Payable Amount:

Lets meet with Rima Akter

Rima is a 13-year-old girl with autism. She cannot speak, and her family noticed her challenges a few months after her birth when she did not cry as a newborn or respond to calls. Despite these challenges, Rima attends secondary school and can hear but cannot speak. She is a well-behaved girl loved by her teachers. At home, she helps her mother with many tasks but sometimes gets very angry. Her father is a farmer, and due to financial difficulties, she has never been taken to a doctor. Rima's family is seeking your support to provide her with the care and treatment she needs.

Your $29 monthly gift will give Her access to life-changing education programs, crucial health and dental services, life skills, and more. At UHCD Foundation, we believe empowering disabled children can break the cycle of poverty for their families, their community and the next generation.

Can Sponsor Rima Akter for her , Treatments, Rehabilitation, Education and to provide her necessary lifesaving drugs.