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Child Profile

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Sponsor a Child with UHCD Foundation



Gender: Male
Age: 9 years 3 months 28 days
Disability Type: ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorders; ADHD - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;

Avg Monthly Family Income: 5000 BDT
Family Members: 2
Siblings: 1

Country: Bangladesh
School: no


Monthly Cost: 29 USD
No of Month for Sponsorship:
Total Payable Amount:

Lets meet with Orup

Meet Orup, a spirited 9-year-old with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Despite the daily challenges he faces, Orup’s enthusiasm and resilience shine brightly. Diagnosed with developmental delays early on, Orup took his first steps toward sitting up at age two and began speaking at six. Though his speech remains unclear and he struggles to respond quickly to others, his perceptive nature is unmistakable. Daily tasks, such as using the bathroom and walking, require his mother's constant assistance. Regular visits to Mymensingh Hospital have led to treatments and medications aimed at supporting his development, though doctors have emphasized the need for patience and time. Despite these challenges, Orup’s love for sports and running around highlight his remarkable spirit. His mother works tirelessly to provide him with the care he needs, but the financial burden of ongoing treatments, therapies, and specialized support is overwhelming for their family. Orup’s story reminds us of the importance of compassion and support for children with ASD and ADHD. By contributing to Orup’s care, you can make a profound difference in his life, ensuring he receives the crucial therapies, resources, and opportunities needed to continue growing. Together, we can help Orup reach his potential, providing him with a future filled with joy, growth, and possibility. Join us in making a lasting impact on Orup’s journey.

Your $29 monthly gift will give Him access to life-changing education programs, crucial health and dental services, life skills, and more. At UHCD Foundation, we believe empowering disabled children can break the cycle of poverty for their families, their community and the next generation.

Can Sponsor Orup for his , Treatments, Rehabilitation, Education and to provide him necessary lifesaving drugs.