Lets meet with Mohammad Tamim Howlader
Tamim is a 13-year-old boy who lives with his parents and two siblings in a rural area. He was diagnosed with intellectual disability at the age of 2, following a fever and convulsions that permanently affected his health. This condition has hindered his development and made it challenging for him to lead a normal life.
Tamim depends on his father, a farmer, for daily care, who works tirelessly to provide for the family, but his income barely covers the basic needs of the household. With the family’s financial struggles, they are unable to afford the medical treatments and therapies Tamim urgently needs. His father’s limited earnings make it difficult for them to even seek regular healthcare, leaving Tamim without the necessary care for his condition.
Despite these challenges, Tamim remains a joyful and loving child. He enjoys spending time with his family and has a strong desire to learn, although his condition makes it difficult to pursue his dreams. The family is deeply concerned about his future and wishes for him to have the chance to live a life with fewer obstacles.
Through UHCD, you can help ensure Tamim has access to the medical care, therapies, and tools that could significantly improve his quality of life. Your support could empower him to reach his full potential and offer his family the hope of a brighter, more secure future.
Your $29 monthly gift will give Him access to
life-changing education programs, crucial
health and dental services, life skills, and
more. At UHCD Foundation, we believe
empowering disabled children can break the
cycle of poverty for their families, their
community and the next generation.
Can Sponsor Mohammad Tamim Howlader for his ,
Treatments, Rehabilitation, Education and to
provide him necessary lifesaving drugs.