Lets meet with Soyad
In a small village, a brave young boy named Soyad faced life’s trials with unwavering resilience. At just five years old, Soyad lived with the challenges of Cerebral Palsy (CP), Global Developmental Delay Syndrome (GDDS), and Epilepsy. His journey with these conditions began early, bringing him and his family to PG Hospital at only 13 months old for ongoing treatment. Soyad's daily life is filled with obstacles, from keeping his head steady to challenges with sitting, speaking, and walking. Yet, through it all, his spirit remains unbroken.
His mother, despite enduring financial hardships, tirelessly seeks the best care, medications, and therapies to support Soyad. Her determination to see him thrive reflects her love and dedication, driven by a deep desire to give Soyad every possible chance for a fulfilling life. Soyad’s story is one of courage and perseverance, highlighting the incredible strength found in both him and his family
Your $29 monthly gift will give Him access to
life-changing education programs, crucial
health and dental services, life skills, and
more. At UHCD Foundation, we believe
empowering disabled children can break the
cycle of poverty for their families, their
community and the next generation.
Can Sponsor Soyad for his ,
Treatments, Rehabilitation, Education and to
provide him necessary lifesaving drugs.