Lets meet with Md.Saleman Howlader
MD Saleman Howlader is a 16-year-old boy who faces daily challenges due to a congenital disability. Born unable to speak or hear, Salman struggles to communicate and connect with others. His unpredictable behavior reflects the necessity of proper medical attention, which he has not received ever since.
Despite this, Salman's spirit never dies. He craves understanding and contact from the people around him. His family has now appealed for financial assistance to afford treatment and care for him that could make an enormous difference in his life.
Helped by you, Saleman can gain access to the medical assistance and required therapy he needs. Such aid is aimed at acutely easing his family's challenges. It would allow a ray of hope in Salman's life, laying a bright interlude for the promise-filled future life of growth and sociability.
Your $29 monthly gift will give Him access to
life-changing education programs, crucial
health and dental services, life skills, and
more. At UHCD Foundation, we believe
empowering disabled children can break the
cycle of poverty for their families, their
community and the next generation.
Can Sponsor Md.Saleman Howlader for his ,
Treatments, Rehabilitation, Education and to
provide him necessary lifesaving drugs.