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Sponsor a Child with UHCD Foundation


Mst. Morium Aktar (Eva)

Gender: Female
Age: 6 years 0 months 9 days
Disability Type: Physical Disability; Epilepsy;

Avg Monthly Family Income: 6000 BDT
Family Members: 3
Siblings: 1

Country: Bangladesh
School: no


Monthly Cost: 29 USD
No of Month for Sponsorship:
Total Payable Amount:

Lets meet with Mst. Morium Aktar

Morium Akter Eva, known simply as Eva, is a 5-year-old girl with a heart full of love and dreams, yet her body and mind face a world of challenges. Despite her beautiful smile and appearance, Eva lives each day with a physical disability and epilepsy that hold her back from the simple joys most children experience. Eva cannot walk or talk like other children her age. She cannot stand for long periods, and her movements are often slow and uncertain. She cannot play freely or interact with her friends in the way she so desperately wants to. While she has the ability to speak, her words are few and only reach those closest to her — her parents. She can speak their names, but her voice remains silent in the face of the world around her. Eva’s family has done everything they can to help her, but their hands are tied by financial hardship. Despite their best efforts, taking Eva to a large hospital for the specialized care she needs has been impossible. The medications Eva relies on are often purchased from the local pharmacy, with the cost of treatment regularly covered by the UHCD Foundation, which has become a crucial lifeline for the family. Eva’s mother describes the overwhelming emotional weight of seeing her daughter suffer each day. "Eva looks like a normal child, but deep inside, she is not like other children. Her body and mind are locked in a struggle that we cannot fix alone," she shares, her voice filled with love and sorrow. "We want to give her the life she deserves, but we don’t have the means to give her the care she needs." The UHCD Foundation, doctors, and medicines provide some relief, but they cannot cover all of Eva's needs. The foundation’s support is invaluable, yet it is not enough to fully ease the burden her family faces. Eva is a beautiful child, full of potential, but she needs more — more specialized treatment, more care, more opportunities to grow and thrive. With the right support, she could live a life filled with milestones, just like any other child. She deserves to walk, to talk, to play, and to experience all that life has to offer. But Eva can only reach her full potential with your help. By sponsoring Eva, you can provide the medical care, therapies, and resources she so urgently needs. Your generosity can bring hope to a family who is desperately trying to make a difference in their child's life, but who simply cannot do it alone. With your help, Eva can one day take her first steps, speak her first full sentence, and live a life filled with the love and joy she deserves. Please, consider sponsoring Eva today. Your kindness can change her life forever.

Your $29 monthly gift will give Her access to life-changing education programs, crucial health and dental services, life skills, and more. At UHCD Foundation, we believe empowering disabled children can break the cycle of poverty for their families, their community and the next generation.

Can Sponsor Mst. Morium Aktar for her , Treatments, Rehabilitation, Education and to provide her necessary lifesaving drugs.