Lets meet with Tasfia Akter
Tasfia is an 8-year-old girl facing a significant challenge—she is unable to speak due to a condition where her tongue is stuck in her mouth. Despite undergoing two surgeries, her ability to speak has not improved, and she has had this condition since birth.
Tasfia was taken to doctors at a young age, but her family, especially her grandmother, has been unable to afford further treatment. Currently, she attends Bakerganj School for the Handicapped, where she is supported in her education.
Tasfia’s family is in urgent need of assistance to provide her with the medical care she requires. Your support can help her receive the treatment she deserves, giving her a chance to improve her condition and communication abilities.
We humbly request your kind assistance to help Tasfia overcome this challenge and brighten her future.
Your $29 monthly gift will give Her access to
life-changing education programs, crucial
health and dental services, life skills, and
more. At UHCD Foundation, we believe
empowering disabled children can break the
cycle of poverty for their families, their
community and the next generation.
Can Sponsor Tasfia Akter for her ,
Treatments, Rehabilitation, Education and to
provide her necessary lifesaving drugs.