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Child Profile

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Sponsor a Child with UHCD Foundation



Gender: Male
Age: 11 years 9 months 9 days
Disability Type: CP - Cerebral Palsy; Epilepsy; Global Developmental Delay;

Avg Monthly Family Income: 3000 BDT
Family Members: 2
Siblings: 2

Country: Bangladesh
School: yes


Monthly Cost: 29 USD
No of Month for Sponsorship:
Total Payable Amount:

Lets meet with Abdullah

Abdullah is a resilient 11-year-old boy who endures the challenges of severe physical disabilities. At just four months old, he suffered a high fever and seizures, which left him unable to speak, walk, or even hold his head upright. He experiences frequent seizures—up to 6-7 times a day—and struggles with excessive drooling, requiring constant care and attention. Abdullah cannot perform daily tasks independently, and his condition has profoundly impacted his quality of life. Despite all the struggles he goes to a school for special children, showing his dedication towards a better future. As the eldest of two siblings, Abdullah’s family does everything they can to support him. His father works in a brick kiln, earning a meager income that barely covers the family’s basic needs. His mother dedicates herself full-time to caring for Abdullah, despite the immense physical and emotional demands. However, the cost of Abdullah’s medical treatment and nutritional needs is beyond their financial reach. Thanks to the UHCD Foundation, Abdullah has begun receiving some medical care, giving his family a glimmer of hope. However, his ongoing treatment, therapy, and nutritional requirements are critical for his well-being and remain unmet due to financial constraints. Abdullah’s family is appealing for your kindness and support to help cover the costs of his medical treatment and provide the specialized care he urgently needs. Your generosity can make a life-changing difference, offering Abdullah the comfort and support he deserves.

Your $29 monthly gift will give Him access to life-changing education programs, crucial health and dental services, life skills, and more. At UHCD Foundation, we believe empowering disabled children can break the cycle of poverty for their families, their community and the next generation.

Can Sponsor Abdullah for his , Treatments, Rehabilitation, Education and to provide him necessary lifesaving drugs.